It is 2018 and Enterprise IT does not question the value of Containerized applications anymore. Given the move to adopting DevOps and Cloud Native Architectures, it is critical to leverage…
Software Defined Datacenter
Want to go Cloud or Digital Native? You’ll Need to Make These Six Key Investments…
The ability for an enterprise to become a Cloud Native (CN) or Digitally Native (DN) business implies the need to develop a host of technology capabilities and cultural practices in…
ArchitectureCloudContainersOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
The Seven Characteristics of Cloud Native Application Architectures..
We are in the middle of a series of blogs on Software Defined Datacenters (SDDC) @ The key business imperative driving the SDDC architectures is their ability to natively…
ArchitectureCloudContainersOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
Why Linux Containers and Docker are the Runtime for the Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)..(4/7)
The third and previous blog in this seven part series (@  discussed Apache Mesos, a project that aims to abstract away various system resources – CPU, memory, network and disk…
Why Digital Disruption is the Cure for the Common Data Center..
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgo“The foundation of digital business is the boundary-free enterprise, which is made possible by an array of time- and location-independent computing capabilities – cloud, mobile, social and data analytics plus…
CloudPaaSSoftware Defined DatacenterTransformation
Why Software Defined Infrastructure & why now..(1/7)
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgoThe ongoing digital transformation in key verticals like financial services, manufacturing, healthcare and telco has incumbent enterprises fending off a host of new market entrants. Enterprise IT’s best answer is…
Financial Services IT begins to converge towards Software Defined Datacenters..
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgoPrevious posts in this blog have commented on the financial services industry as increasingly undergoing a gradual makeover if not outright transformation – both from a business and IT perspective.…
I have spent a lot of time in the past few years working on cloud management technology with various enterprise customers spanning verticals esp in financial services,insurance,healthcare & media. This…