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Risk Management
Today’s European financial markets hardly resemble the ones from 15 years ago. The high speed of electronic trading, explosion in trading volumes, the diverse range of instruments classes & a proliferation of…
Big DataOpinionTransformation
How Big Data & Predictive Analytics transform AML Compliance in Banking & Payments..(2/2)
The first blog in this two part series (Deter Financial Crime by Creating an effective AML Program) described how Money Laundering (ML) activities employed by nefarious actors (e.g drug cartels,…
FinTech Landscape 2016…
Design and Architecture of A Robo-Advisor Platform..(3/3)
This three part series explores the automated investment management or the “Robo-advisor” (RA) movement. The first post in this series @- – discussed how Wealth Management has been an area largely untouched…
Big DataDigitalPaymentsTransformation
Five Areas Where Big Data Drives Innovation in the Bill Pay Industry..
As the Bill Pay Industry Motors On… The traditional model of service providers relying on call centers and face-to-face interactions with their customers to gauge their satisfaction are long past.…
(Image Credit – ENC Consulting) Why Systemic Financial Crises Are a Broad Failure of Risk Management… Various posts in this blog have catalogued the practice of risk management in the financial…
Regulatory Risk Management evolves… The Basel Committee of supranational supervision was put in place to ensure the stability of the financial system. The Basel Accords are the frameworks that essentially govern the…
“Banking as a service has long sat at the heart of our economy. In our digitally enabled world, the need to seamlessly and efficiently connect different economic agents who are…
THE STATE OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES IT ARCHITECTURE… This blog has time & again discussed how Global, Domestic and Regional banks need to be innovative with their IT platform to constantly evolve…