With each passing year, vertical industries seem to be discovering an increasing number of areas where Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) powered applications are delivering outstanding business value. These applications can…
Remember when good old java Application servers ran on plain Virtual Machines? With the advent of Software Defined technology, DevOps and Container based automation rapidly gaining developer mindshare, PaaS is emerging as…
Big DataData LakeData ManagementData ScienceOpinionTransformation
The Big Data Landscape – My Predictions for 2018…
In 2018 we are rapidly entering what I would like to call ‘Big Data 3.0’. This is the age of ‘Converged Big Data’ where its various complementary technologies – Data…
CloudDevOpsKubernetesOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
Why Kubernetes Will Be A Transformational Cloud Technology..
It is 2018 and Enterprise IT does not question the value of Containerized applications anymore. Given the move to adopting DevOps and Cloud Native Architectures, it is critical to leverage…
ArchitectureBlockchainCapital MarketsCIOCloudCybersecurityOpinionTransformation
The 12 Software Architectures That Will Matter in Financial Services in 2018 & Beyond…
Over the last three years, we have examined a succession of business issues in the various sectors of financial services on this blog. These have ranged from the mundane (Trading,…
My Final Post for 2017: How an Enterprise PaaS enables Enterprise Architecture…
With DevOps and Container based automation rapidly gaining industry mindshare in 2017, PaaS is emerging as a “fit for purpose” technology for Digital Projects. With the PaaS market beginning to…
“My vision for the future state of the digital economy – I see a movie. I see a story of everybody connected with very low latency, very high speed, ultra-dense…
Want to go Cloud or Digital Native? You’ll Need to Make These Six Key Investments…
The ability for an enterprise to become a Cloud Native (CN) or Digitally Native (DN) business implies the need to develop a host of technology capabilities and cultural practices in…