The high profile implosion of General Electric’s (GE) ambitious digital strategy has caught the attention of many practitioners and IT leaders over the last few months. GE is an iconic business conglomerate who’s digital…
Financial Services
Customer Journey Mapping… The core challenge many financial enterprises have is their ability to offer a unified customer experience for banking services across different touch points. The lack of such a unified experience…
Introduction The Global Financial Services Industry is in the midst of massive change across three different dimensions – competition, regulation, and digitization. First, across different domains of the industry –…
“We want real relationships, attracting customers with high rates is “the most commoditized business model on the planet.” David Chubak, head of global retail banking and mortgage at Citigroup, 2018…
In 2018, Retail and Consumer Banking provide the lions share of all global financial services industry revenues. After having recovered from the Great Recession of 2008, Retail banks, especially in…
With each passing year, vertical industries seem to be discovering an increasing number of areas where Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) powered applications are delivering outstanding business value. These applications can…
AnalyticsBig DataData ScienceOpinion
The Emerging Role for Big Data and Machine Learning on the Buy Side in Financial Services..
The Buy Side is perhaps the biggest segment of Wall St & the financial markets – there are roughly 7,000+ mutual funds, thousands of hedge funds which invest across 40,000…
Big DataData LakeData ManagementData ScienceOpinionTransformation
The Big Data Landscape – My Predictions for 2018…
In 2018 we are rapidly entering what I would like to call ‘Big Data 3.0’. This is the age of ‘Converged Big Data’ where its various complementary technologies – Data…
ArchitectureBlockchainCapital MarketsCIOCloudCybersecurityOpinionTransformation
The 12 Software Architectures That Will Matter in Financial Services in 2018 & Beyond…
Over the last three years, we have examined a succession of business issues in the various sectors of financial services on this blog. These have ranged from the mundane (Trading,…
Big DataCapital MarketsDigitalFinTechOpinionRisk
The Six Strategic Questions Every Bank Should Answer with Big Data & AI in 2018…
After a decade of focusing on compliance with regulatory mandates, Banks are back at fixating on technology innovation. The reason is obvious – over the last five years, Silicon Valley majors…