The Global Payments Industry in 2018… In 2017, the Payments industry largely kept its promise of leading financial services – This evidenced in two important categories – consumer adoption and…
Enterprise Solutions
Want to go Cloud or Digital Native? You’ll Need to Make These Six Key Investments…
The ability for an enterprise to become a Cloud Native (CN) or Digitally Native (DN) business implies the need to develop a host of technology capabilities and cultural practices in…
Blockchain and Bitcoin – Industry Insights & Reference Architectures…
Distributed Ledger technology (DLT) and applications built for DLT’s – such as cryptocurrencies – are arguably the hottest topics in tech. This post summarizes seven key blogs on the topic…
ArchitectureCloudContainersOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
The Seven Characteristics of Cloud Native Application Architectures..
We are in the middle of a series of blogs on Software Defined Datacenters (SDDC) @ The key business imperative driving the SDDC architectures is their ability to natively…
“There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But…
Why Legacy Monolithic Architectures Won’t Work For Digital Platforms..
As times change, so do architectural paradigms in software development. For the more than fifteen years the industry has been developing large scale JEE/.NET applications, the three-tier architecture has been…
Kubernetes – Container Orchestration for the Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)..(5/7)
The fourth and previous blog in this seven part series on Software Defined Datacenters (@ discussed how Linux Containers & Docker, are emerging as a key component of digital applications. We…
With advances in various Blockchain based DLTs (distributed ledger technology) platforms such as HyperLedger & Etherium et al, enterprises have begun to take baby steps to adapt the Blockchain (BC)…
The Tao of Data Monetization in Banking and Insurance & Strategies to Achieve the Same…
“We live in a world awash with data. Data is proliferating at an astonishing rate—we have more and more data all the time, and much of it was collected in order to improve decisions about some aspect…