“Banking as a service has long sat at the heart of our economy. In our digitally enabled world, the need to seamlessly and efficiently connect different economic agents who are…
THE STATE OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES IT ARCHITECTURE… This blog has time & again discussed how Global, Domestic and Regional banks need to be innovative with their IT platform to constantly evolve…
THE AML CHALLENGE CONTINUES UNABATED… As this blog has repeatedly catalogued over the last year here[1], here[2] and here[3], Money Laundering is a massive global headache and one of the biggest…
Previous posts in this blog have discussed how Capital markets firms must create new business models and offer superior client relationships based on their vast data assets. Firms that can infuse…
“In God we trust. All others must bring data.” – Dr. Edwards Deming, statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and consultant. The first post in this three part series described key ways in…
“Data! Data! Data!” he cried impatiently. “I can’t make bricks without clay!” Sherlock Holmes – Conan Doyle’s “The Adventure of the Copper Beaches” The first post in this three part series described…
Big DataFinTechOpinionRisk
My Last Post for 2015 .. A Series of Webinars on Issues Facing the Financial Services Industry
First off, I want to take a quick moment to wish each and every one of my readers,customers, colleagues (both past & present) & collaborators a very Merry Christmas,Happy Holidays…
CloudFinTechRiskTrade Surveillance
Design & Architecture of a Next Gen Market Surveillance System..(2/2)
This article is the final installment in a two part series that covers one of the most critical issues facing the financial industry – Investor & Market Integrity Protection via Global Market Surveillance. While…
Big DataFinTechFraudOpinionRiskStrategy
Ensuring Market Integrity, Investor Protection via Market Surveillance..(1/2)
“From coast to coast, the FBI and Securities and Exchange Commission have ensnared people not only at hedge funds, but at technology and pharmaceutical companies, consulting and law firms, government…
This article is the first installment in a three part series that covers one of the most critical issues facing the financial industry – Payment Card Fraud. Payment Cards include Credit, ATM & Debit…