Prior to the advent of K8s and Cloud-Native functions, network functions (NFs) were primarily deployed by CSPs as a combination of physical appliances and some VMs.
Amazon EKS Anywhere, is a new deployment option for Amazon EKS that enables customers and operators to run open-source Kubernetes clusters on-premises.
Proton provides platform teams with the tools to manage and enforce consistency across environments while helping developers as well.
Whatever the actual approach to cloud, it is clear that due to changing customer preferences, post-pandemic realities, and evolving business models, the banking institution will change dramatically every few years going forward.
Proton provides platform teams with the tools to manage and enforce consistency across environments while helping developers as well.
Telcos are very attractive partners to hyperscalers, and it is not uncommon to see operators partner with multiple cloud vendors. Expect to see much more revenue sharing, joint GTM, and marketing as 5G becomes reality in late 2021.
Enterprise architects considering the K8s ecosystem for tools and architecture quickly recognize that the widest possible choices to develop microservices-based applications that fit well into a CI/CD model are available…
The Retail industry is in the midst of several exciting developments even discounting the Covid pandemic. McKinsey states flatly[1] that the power in this industry has shifted from the retailer to the consumer..
CloudSoftware Defined DatacenterStrategyTransformation
Webinar: Solving Five Pain Points of Private Clouds
Please join this webinar on May 20, 2020, at 10 AM PDT/1 PM EST. Learn how can identify and solve the five pain points of Private Clouds. Registration link ->…