The full version of this blogpost by Sirish Raghuram – CEO Platform9- originally appeared on the Platform9 blog at the below link – Five Interesting Insights From KubeCon 2018 KubeCon…
CIO Strategy
CIOCloudContainersKubernetesServerlessSoftware Defined Datacenter
10 Reasons You Should Run Your Serverless Applications & FaaS on Kubernetes
Over the last year, along with Kubernetes, Serverless computing platforms have acquired tremendous mindshare among the development community. As Serverless implementations begin to proliferate, I want to make the case…
How To Explain The Business Impact Of Containers & Kubernetes To Your Board Of Directors
Software is eating the world. In today’s economy, every business is a software business and every enterprise CIO is tasked with releasing applications that deliver a high quality and unified…
CIOCloudContainersKubernetesOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
Best practices and anti-patterns for containerized deployments
Kubernetes is easily the most transformational cloud technology available today. It is the de facto standard for container orchestration, essentially functioning as an operating system for cloud-native applications. With its built-in high…
CIOCloudContainersKubernetesSoftware Defined Datacenter
Cloud Management: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Part 3: Getting CMPs Right!
See Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. Cloud Management is one of the key areas that CTOs and CIOs need to make investments in the coming years. In the previous 2 posts…
The Ovum Decision Matrix Research Report discusses the impact of two major shifts in cloud adoption: The growing impact of Shadow IT in enterprises. The need to migrate workloads to the cloud. We also see…
“Business model innovation is the new contribution of IT” — Werner Boeing, CIO, Roche Diagnostics Digital Is Changing the Role of the Industry CIO… A Motley crew of some what interrelated technologies…
Big Data
Why Digital Transformation should force industry CIO’s to think Big Data, Webscale & Opensource..
“You better start swimming, or you’ll sink like a stone. Because the Time’s they are a-changing.” – Bob Dylan (from the song) I have long been an advocate of enterprise organizations giving…
As data growth continues unabated and cost pressures continue to pile up with increased line of business demands for IT agility; the CIO in financial services is at a crossroads. Couple…