The age of edge computing has finally dawned. The rapid developments in digital and mobile technologies have made edge computing increasingly more prevalent and more critical to the success of…
CloudKubernetesOpinionRetail IndustrySoftware Defined DatacenterStrategy
Edge Computing Challenges and Opportunities – Just Published on IoT Agenda
The age of edge computing has finally dawned. The rapid developments in digital and mobile technologies have made edge computing increasingly more prevalent and more critical to the success of…
Serverless Series -> Challenges and Considerations for Choosing the Right Serverless Solution – (2/5)
See the first part, of this 5-part blog series, here. In this second of Serverless series hosted on the Platform9 blog, I will cover eight best practices and patterns to…
CIOCloudContainersKubernetesOpinionServerlessSoftware Defined DatacenterTransformation
Serverless Series -> What is Serverless Computing and What it Means for You – (1/5)
Serverless computing is closely tied to new architecture patterns and technologies such as Microservices and Containers. Greenfield, cloud-native applications are often microservices-based, which makes them ideal for running on containers…