The readers of my blog know that for the last few years my focus has been on hybrid clouds, edge clouds leveraging Kubernetes. So it is very heartening that Platform9…
business platforms
CloudNFVSDNSoftware Defined Datacenter
Datacenter Infrastructure & Operations Technology Trends for 2019 & beyond
Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash Gartner Research rolled out their “Top 10 Trends Impacting Infrastructure & Operations for 2019” report a few months ago. The full report can be…
Big DataCloudContainersData LakeIOT & Data Flow ManagementServerless
Big Data and Kubernetes – Best Practices in Deploying Containers with Big Data..(4/4)
Of all enterprise IT workloads, data-based infrastructure has been the hardest to deliver using a cloud-based deployment model. Data assets are typically the last to move over to a cloud…
“For the 21st century, we are glad we never got the ballast of an extra 4,000 branches. I’m certain it’s going to turn out to be a very fortuitous thing.”…
“We want real relationships, attracting customers with high rates is “the most commoditized business model on the planet.” David Chubak, head of global retail banking and mortgage at Citigroup, 2018…
Big DataData LakeData ScienceOpinionTransformation
The Big Data Landscape – My Predictions for 2018…
In 2018 we are rapidly entering what I would like to call ‘Big Data 3.0’. This is the age of ‘Converged Big Data’ where its various complementary technologies – Data…
Why Enterprises should build Platforms and not just Standalone Applications…
                          Image Credit – Shutterstock …