Dear Readers, thank you for visiting the blog in 2018. Here are the top 10 most popular posts of last year. …
Blockchain and Bitcoin – Industry Insights & Reference Architectures…
Distributed Ledger technology (DLT) and applications built for DLT’s – such as cryptocurrencies – are arguably the hottest topics in tech. This post summarizes seven key blogs on the topic…
With advances in various Blockchain based DLTs (distributed ledger technology) platforms such as HyperLedger & Etherium et al, enterprises have begun to take baby steps to adapt the Blockchain (BC)…
Blockchain and IoT are a marriage made in heaven. Blockchain can enable & augment a variety of application scenarios and usecases for the IoT. No longer are such possibilities too futuristic –…
The first four blogposts in this series have covered the business foundations and the technology behind both Bitcoin and it’s core technology platform – Blockchain.This final post will bring it all…
The easiest, as well as the most comprehensive way, to define the Blockchain (BC) would be to to call it a “a highly secure, resilient, algorithmic & accurate globally distributed…
“We should think about the blockchain as another class of thing like the Internet — a comprehensive information technology with tiered technical levels and multiple classes of applications for any…
The first post in this series introduced Bitcoin & the crypto-currency movement that will help drive democratization in the financial industry and society at large in the years to come. This second of five blogposts will…
The decentralized, peer to peer,high secure and purely digital currency finally came of age in 2015. Bitcoin (BTC) & other variants (the AltCoins) got widespread & positive notice by all industry actors…