With DevOps and Container based automation rapidly gaining industry mindshare in 2017, PaaS is emerging as a “fit for purpose” technology for Digital Projects. With the PaaS market beginning to…
Want to go Cloud or Digital Native? You’ll Need to Make These Six Key Investments…
The ability for an enterprise to become a Cloud Native (CN) or Digitally Native (DN) business implies the need to develop a host of technology capabilities and cultural practices in…
Blockchain and Bitcoin – Industry Insights & Reference Architectures…
Distributed Ledger technology (DLT) and applications built for DLT’s – such as cryptocurrencies – are arguably the hottest topics in tech. This post summarizes seven key blogs on the topic…
Why Legacy Monolithic Architectures Won’t Work For Digital Platforms..
As times change, so do architectural paradigms in software development. For the more than fifteen years the industry has been developing large scale JEE/.NET applications, the three-tier architecture has been…
This blog has from time to time discussed issues around the defensive portion of financial services industry (Banking, Payment Processing, and Insurance etc). Anti Money Laundering (AML) is a critical…
ArchitectureCloudContainersOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
Why Linux Containers and Docker are the Runtime for the Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)..(4/7)
The third and previous blog in this seven part series (@ http://www.vamsitalkstech.com/?p=4659) discussed Apache Mesos, a project that aims to abstract away various system resources – CPU, memory, network and disk…
Financial Risk Management as it pertains to different industries – Banking, Capital Markets and Insurance – has been one of the most discussed topics in this blog. The business issues…
The first blog of this four part series introduced a key business issue in the Digital Age – Cybersecurity. We also briefly touched upon responses that are being put in place by…
This article is the second installment in a three part series that covers one of the most critical issues facing the financial industry – Payment Card Fraud. While the first (and previous) post discussed…