To break this out into numbers, a typical CSP will deploy hundreds of thousands of network services as virtual network functions (VNFs) or CNFs. VNFs will run in virtual machines that can optionally be run inside a Kubernetes distribution.
ArchitectureCloudContainersEdge Computing
“The Cloud Management Plane” Pattern to Manage 1000s of Edges – Architecture
 Platform 9 architecture is based on a managed control plane. The core idea of the managed control plane is a layered architecture that can support the lifecycle management of a…
A multi-tenant architecture is key in reliably hosting applications and business services that will eventually produce value for the customer. Not designing a K8s infrastructure for multi-tenancy will lead to…
This is an excerpt from The Gorilla Guide to Kubernetes in the Enterprise, written by Joep Piscaer. Previous Chapters: Chapter 1: The Changing Development Landscape Chapter 2: Kubernetes Concepts and Architecture You…
Big DataCloudData LakeIOT & Data Flow ManagementKubernetesServerlessSoftware Defined Datacenter
Big Data and Kubernetes – Why Your Spark & Hadoop Workloads Should Run Containerized..(1/4)
Starting this week, we will do a series of four blogposts on the intersection of Spark with Kubernetes. The first blog post will delve into the reasons why both platforms…
ArchitectureCloudContainersServerlessSoftware Defined Datacenter
Containerized Air Gapped Edge Platform Architecture
Introduction An emerging use case for containerized platforms has been the ability to deploy applications in what is termed as an air-gapped deployment. This deployment pattern is particularly pronounced around…
Webinar – From DevOps to NoOps: Adopting Cloud Native with Kubernetes and FaaS
 Please join me as I present my first webinar for 2018 on Cloud Native Technologies. Click on the Image below to register. Cloud Native (CN) application development is emerging as…
Key Design Considerations in Building a Cloud Native Enterprise SaaS…
Introduction… A previous post in this blog (shown below) covered the business benefits of executing a successful business platform strategy – as opposed to building siloed business applications ad nauseum.…
ArchitectureBlockchainCapital MarketsCIOCloudCybersecurityOpinionTransformation
The 12 Software Architectures That Will Matter in Financial Services in 2018 & Beyond…
Over the last three years, we have examined a succession of business issues in the various sectors of financial services on this blog. These have ranged from the mundane (Trading,…