Home Cloud Design & Architecture of a Next Gen Market Surveillance System..(2/2)

Design & Architecture of a Next Gen Market Surveillance System..(2/2)

by Vamsi Chemitiganti

This article is the final installment in a two part series that covers one of the most critical issues facing the financial industry – Investor & Market Integrity Protection via Global Market Surveillance. While the first (and previous) post discussed the global scope of the problem across multiple global jurisdictions –  this post will discuss a candidate Big Data & Cloud Computing Architecture that can help market participants (especially the front line regulators – the Stock Exchanges themselves) & SROs (Self Regulatory Authorities) implement these capabilities in their applications & platforms.

Business Background –

The first article in this two part series laid out the five business trends that are causing a need to rethink existing Global & Cross Asset Surveillance based systems.

To recap them below –

  1. The rise of trade lifecycle automation across the Capital Markets value chain and the increasing use of technology across the lifecycle contributes to an environment where speeds and feeds are contributing to a huge number of securities changing hands (in huge quantities) in milliseconds across 25+ global venues of trading; automation leads to increase in trading volumes which adds substantially to the increased risk of fraud
  2. The presence of multiple avenues of trading (ATF – alternative trading facilities and MTF – multilateral trading facilities) creates opportunities for information and price arbitrage that were never a huge problem before in terms of multiple markets and multiple products across multiple geographies with different regulatory requirements.This has been covered in a previous post in this blog at –
  3. As a natural consequence of all of the above – (the globalization of trading where market participants are spread across multiple geographies) it makes it all the more difficult to provide a consolidated audit trail (CAT) to view all activity under a single source of truth ;as well as traceability of orders across those venues; this is extremely key as fraud is becoming increasingly sophisticated e.g the rise of insider trading rings
  4. Existing application (e.g ticker plants, surveillance systems, DevOps) architectures are becoming brittle and underperforming as data and transaction volumes continue to go up & data storage requirements keep rising every year. This leads to massive gaps in compliance data. Another significant gap is found while performing a range of post trade analytics – many of which are beyond the simple business rules being leveraged right now and now increasingly need to move into the machine learning & predictive domain. Surveillance now needs to include non traditional sources of data e.g trader email/chat/link analysis etc that can point to under the radar rogue trading activity before that causes the financial system huge losses. E.g. the London Whale, the LIBOR fixing scandal etc 
  5. Again as a consequence of increased automation, backtesting of data has become a challenge – as well as being able to replay data across historical intervals. This is key in mining for patterns of suspicious activity like bursty spikes in trading as well as certain patterns that could indicate illegal insider selling

The key issue becomes – how do antiquated surveillance systems move into the era of Cloud & Big Data enabled innovation as a way of overcoming these business challenges?

Technology Requirements –

An intelligent surveillance system needs to store trade data, reference data, order data, and market data, as well as all of the relevant communications from all the disparate systems, both internally and externally, and then match these things appropriately. The system needs to account for multiple levels of detection capabilities starting with a) configuring business rules (that describe a fraud pattern) as well as b) dynamic capabilities based on machine learning models (typically thought of as being more predictive). Such a system also needs to parallelize execution at scale to be able to meet demanding latency requirements for a market surveillance platform.

The most important technical essentials for such a system are –

  1. Support end to end monitoring across a variety of financial instruments across multiple venues of trading. Support a wide variety of analytics that enable the discovery of interrelationships between customers, traders & trades as the next major advance in surveillance technology.
  2. Provide a platform that can ingest from tens of millions to billions of market events (spanning a range of financial instruments – Equities, Bonds, Forex, Commodities and Derivatives etc) on a daily basis from thousands of institutional market participants
  3. The ability to add new business rules (via either a business rules engine and/or a model based system that supports machine learning) is a key requirement. As we can see from the first post, market manipulation is an activity that seems to constantly push the boundaries in new and unforseen ways
  4. Provide advanced visualization techniques thus helping Compliance and Surveillance officers manage the information overload.
  5. The ability to perform deep cross-market analysis i.e. to be able to look at financial instruments & securities trading on multiple geographies and exchanges e.g.
  6. The ability to create views and correlate data that are both wide and deep. A wide view will look at related securities across multiple venues; a deep view will look for a range of illegal behaviors that threaten market integrity such as market manipulation, insider trading, watch/restricted list trading and unusual pricing.
  7. The ability to provide in-memory caches of data  for rapid pre-trade compliance checks.
  8. Ability to create prebuilt analytical models and algorithms that pertain to trading strategy (pre- trade models –. e.g. best execution and analysis). The most popular way to link R and Hadoop is to use HDFS as the long-term store for all data, and use MapReduce jobs (potentially submitted from Hive or Pig) to encode, enrich, and sample data sets from HDFS into R.
  9. Provide Data Scientists and Quants with development interfaces using tools like SAS and R.
  10. The results of the processing and queries need to be exported in various data formats, a simple CSV/txt format or more optimized binary formats, JSON formats, or even into custom formats.  The results will be in the form of standard relational DB data types (e.g. String, Date, Numeric, Boolean).
  11. Based on back testing and simulation, analysts should be able to tweak the model and also allow subscribers (typically compliance personnel) of the platform to customize their execution models.
  12. A wide range of Analytical tools need to be integrated that allow the best dashboards and visualizations.

Application & Data Architecture –

The dramatic technology advances in Big Data & Cloud Computing enable the realization of the above requirements.  Big Data is dramatically changing that approach with advanced analytic solutions that are powerful and fast enough to detect fraud in real time but also build models based on historical data (and deep learning) to proactively identify risks.

To enumerate the various advantages of using Big Data  –

a) Real time insights –  Generate insights at a latency of a few milliseconds
b) A Single View of Customer/Trade/Transaction 
c) Loosely coupled yet Cloud Ready Architecture
d) Highly Scalable yet Cost effective

The technology reasons why Hadoop is emerging as the best choice for fraud detection: From a component perspective Hadoop supports multiple ways of running models and algorithms that are used to find patterns of fraud and anomalies in the data to predict customer behavior. Examples include Bayesian filters, Clustering, Regression Analysis, Neural Networks etc. Data Scientists & Business Analysts have a choice of MapReduce, Spark (via Java,Python,R), Storm etc and SAS to name a few – to create these models. Fraud model development, testing and deployment on fresh & historical data become very straightforward to implement on Hadoop. The last few releases of enterprise Hadoop distributions (e.g. Hortonworks Data Platform) have seen huge advances from a Governance, Security and Monitoring perspective.

A shared data repository called a Data Lake is created, that can capture every order creation, modification, cancelation and ultimate execution across all exchanges. This lake provides more visibility into all data related to intra-day trading activities. The trading risk group accesses this shared data lake to processes more position, execution and balance data. This analysis can be performed on fresh data from the current workday or on historical data, and it is available for at least five years—much longer than before. Moreover, Hadoop enables ingest of data from recent acquisitions despite disparate data definitions and infrastructures. All the data that pertains to trade decisions and trade lifecycle needs to be made resident in a general enterprise storage pool that is run on the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed Filesystem) or similar Cloud based filesystem. This repository is augmented by incremental feeds with intra-day trading activity data that will be streamed in using technologies like Sqoop, Kafka and Storm.

The above business requirements can be accomplished leveraging the many different technology paradigms in the Hadoop Data Platform. These include technologies such as enterprise grade message broker – Kafka, in-memory data processing via Spark & Storm etc.


                  Illustration :  Candidate Architecture  for a Market Surveillance Platform 

The overall logical flow in the system –

  • Information sources are depicted at the left. These encompass a variety of institutional, system and human actors potentially sending thousands of real time messages per second or sending over batch feeds.
  • A highly scalable messaging system to help bring these feeds into the architecture as well as normalize them and send them in for further processing. Apache Kafka is chosen for this tier.Realtime data is published by Payment Processing systems over Kafka queues. Each of the transactions has 100s of attributes that can be analyzed in real time to  detect patterns of usage.  We leverage Kafka integration with Apache Storm to read one value at a time and perform some kind of storage like persist the data into a HBase cluster.In a modern data architecture built on Apache Hadoop, Kafka ( a fast, scalable and durable message broker) works in combination with Storm, HBase (and Spark) for real-time analysis and rendering of streaming data. 
  • Trade data is thus streamed into the platform (on a T+1 basis), which thus ingests, collects, transforms and analyzes core information in real time. The analysis can be both simple and complex event processing & based on pre-existing rules that can be defined in a rules engine, which is invoked with Storm. A Complex Event Processing (CEP) tier can process these feeds at scale to understand relationships among them; where the relationships among these events are defined by business owners in a non technical or by developers in a technical language. Apache Storm integrates with Kafka to process incoming data. Storm architecture is covered briefly in the below section.
  • HBase provides near real-time, random read and write access to tables (or ‘maps’) storing billions of rows and millions of columns. In this case once we store this rapidly and continuously growing dataset from the information producers, we are able  to do perform super fast lookup for analytics irrespective of the data size.
  • Data that has analytic relevance and needs to be kept for offline or batch processing can be handled using the storage platform based on Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS) or Amazon S3. The idea to deploy Hadoop oriented workloads (MapReduce, or, Machine Learning) to understand trading patterns as they occur over a period of time.Historical data can be fed into Machine Learning models created above and commingled with streaming data as discussed in step 1.
  • Horizontal scale-out (read Cloud based IaaS) is preferred as a deployment approach as this helps the architecture scale linearly as the loads placed on the system increase over time. This approach enables the Market Surveillance engine to distribute the load dynamically across a cluster of cloud based servers based on trade data volumes.
  • To take an incremental approach to building the system, once all data resides in a general enterprise storage pool and makes the data accessible to many analytical workloads including Trade Surveillance, Risk, Compliance, etc. A shared data repository across multiple lines of business provides more visibility into all intra-day trading activities. Data can be also fed into downstream systems in a seamless manner using technologies like SQOOP, Kafka and Storm. The results of the processing and queries can be exported in various data formats, a simple CSV/txt format or more optimized binary formats, json formats, or you can plug in custom SERDE for custom formats. Additionally, with HIVE or HBASE, data within HDFS can be queried via standard SQL using JDBC or ODBC. The results will be in the form of standard relational DB data types (e.g. String, Date, Numeric, Boolean). Finally, REST APIs in HDP natively support both JSON and XML output by default.
  • Operational data across a bunch of asset classes, risk types and geographies is thus available to risk analysts during the entire trading window when markets are still open, enabling them to reduce risk of that day’s trading activities. The specific advantages to this approach are two-fold: Existing architectures typically are only able to hold a limited set of asset classes within a given system. This means that the data is only assembled for risk processing at the end of the day. In addition, historical data is often not available in sufficient detail. HDP accelerates a firm’s speed-to-analytics and also extends its data retention timeline
  • Apache Atlas is used to provide governance capabilities in the platform that use both prescriptive and forensic models, which are enriched by a given businesses data taxonomy and metadata.  This allows for tagging of trade data  between the different businesses data views, which is a key requirement for good data governance and reporting. Atlas also provides audit trail management as data is processed in a pipeline in the lake
  • Another important capability that Hadoop can provide is the establishment and adoption of a lightweight entity ID service – which aids dramatically in the holistic viewing & audit tracking of trades. The service will consist of entity assignment for both institutional and individual traders. The goal here is to get each target institution to propagate the Entity ID back into their trade booking and execution systems, then transaction data will flow into the lake with this ID attached providing a way to do Customer & Trade 360.
  • Output data elements can be written out to HDFS, and managed by HBase. From here, reports and visualizations can easily be constructed.One can optionally layer in search and/or workflow engines to present the right data to the right business user at the right time.  

The Final Word [1] –

We have discussed FINRA as an example of a forward looking organization that has been quite vocal about their usage of Big Data. So how successful has this approach been for them?

The benefits Finra has seen from big data and cloud technologies prompted the independent regulator to use those technologies as the basis for its proposal to build the Consolidated Audit Trail, the massive database project intended to enable the SEC to monitor markets in a high-frequency world. Over the summer, the number of bids to build the CAT was narrowed down to six in a second round of cuts. (The first round of cuts brought the number to 10 from more than 30.) The proposal that Finra has submitted together with the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is still in contention. Most of the bids to build and run the CAT for five years are in the range of $250 million, and Finra’s use of AWS and Hadoop makes its proposal the most cost-effective, Randich says.

References –

[1] http://www.fiercefinanceit.com/story/finra-leverages-cloud-and-hadoop-its-consolidated-audit-trail-proposal/2014-10-16

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Javier February 3, 2016 - 3:07 am

Vamsi, Well rounded, superb and comprehensive post on surveillance across both internal and externally aggregated financial instruments,data. I stumbled upon your blog while searching for market surveillance and wished to say that I have really enjoyed surfing around your other blog posts. You take a lot of pains to write at length on high technology and banking – while not taking a sales angle.
Will be subscribing to the feed and I hope you write weekly!

Olivia October 9, 2016 - 4:40 pm

Excellent blog on Cap mtks issues. Keep it up!


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