The first four blogposts in this series have covered the business foundations and the technology behind both Bitcoin and it’s core technology platform – Blockchain.This final post will bring it all …
The easiest, as well as the most comprehensive way, to define the Blockchain (BC) would be to to call it a “a highly secure, resilient, algorithmic & accurate globally distributed …
“We should think about the blockchain as another class of thing like the Internet — a comprehensive information technology with tiered technical levels and multiple classes of applications for any …
The first post in this series introduced Bitcoin & the crypto-currency movement that will help drive democratization in the financial industry and society at large in the years to come. This second of five blogposts will …
The decentralized, peer to peer,high secure and purely digital currency finally came of age in 2015. Bitcoin (BTC) & other variants (the AltCoins) got widespread & positive notice by all industry actors …
This is the final blogpost in our three part series on Enterprise Dataflow Management and it’s applicability in Financial Services. This post discusses common business drivers and usecases to a …