EKS Anywhere brings a consistent AWS management experience to your data center, building on the strengths of Amazon EKS Distro, an open-source distribution for Kubernetes used by Amazon EKS.
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that helps you easily deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications.
Amazon EKS Anywhere, is a new deployment option for Amazon EKS that enables customers and operators to run open-source Kubernetes clusters on-premises.
While the concept is straightforward, Horizontal pod autoscaling requires time and effort to implement. More often than not, applications need to undergo load testing to tune HPA configuration to determine …
While the concept is straightforward, Horizontal pod autoscaling requires time and effort to implement. More often than not, applications need to undergo load testing to tune HPA configuration to determine …
Cluster autoscaling is typically the easiest autoscaler to configure and to use. However there may be situations where it may not be the best option for an application.
To break this out into numbers, a typical CSP will deploy hundreds of thousands of network services as virtual network functions (VNFs) or CNFs. VNFs will run in virtual machines …