While Network Slicing is undoubtedly key in enabling operators to monetize 5G, the principles of DevOps as applied to network slicing and NF updates are key in helping achieve a …
I would like to round-out 2021 with a final post on a reference architecture that I have been driving towards all year. This post brings together several themes we have …
Network Slicing is a key feature of 3GPP proposed 5G specifications. As previous posts have discussed, network slicing enables the 5G network to offer business applications that offer various levels …
Outposts is a family of fully managed solutions delivering AWS infrastructure and services to virtually any on-premises or edge location for a truly consistent hybrid experience.
3GPP as the foremost standards body driving network slicing defines the overall framework for Operators to provide customized network slice instances (NSI) that support various requirements/features. These include a Network …
3GPP is the principal standards body driving 5G architecture and standards. It has defined various network slicing specifications in its various working groups.