The third and previous blog in this seven part series (@ discussed Apache Mesos, a project that aims to abstract away various system resources – CPU, memory, network and disk…
Software Defined Datacenter
Apache MesosOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
Apache Mesos: Cluster Manager for the Software Defined Data Center ..(3/7)
The second and previous blog in this six part series (@ discussed technical challenges with running large scale Digital Applications on traditional datacenter architectures. In this third blog, we will deep dive into…
CloudPaaSSoftware Defined DatacenterTransformation
Why Software Defined Infrastructure & why now..(1/7)
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgoThe ongoing digital transformation in key verticals like financial services, manufacturing, healthcare and telco has incumbent enterprises fending off a host of new market entrants. Enterprise IT’s best answer is…