This article, co-authored with Peter Fray (Chief Technologist – Platform9) originally appeared on “The New Stack”. Two years of working with Kubernetes for enterprise applications, and large-scale production deployments…
Software Defined Datacenter
CI/CDCIOCloudContainersServerlessSoftware Defined Datacenter
Please join us at “Cloud Native Days” in Atlanta, GA on Feb 19, 2019
Description Cloud Native Days Atlanta brings together adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Atlanta. Join Platform9, Portworx, and Shadow-Soft for a full day of…
CloudKubernetesServerlessSoftware Defined Datacenter
A Handy Guide For Enterprise Cloud Technologists – “The Gorilla Guide to Serverless on Kubernetes”
At Platform9, we spend a lot of time evangelizing the benefits of cloud-native architectures. The dominant construct is kubernetes with serverless technology a close second. To that end, we helped publish The…
CloudContainersKubernetesSoftware Defined DatacenterTransformation
How to run Kubernetes as a Managed Service on VMware
The Importance of a Managed Service for Kubernetes The last blog post had discussed the need for running a containerized infrastructure as a managed service. In that post, I had…
CIOCloudContainersKubernetesOpinionServerlessSoftware Defined Datacenter
Why the Managed Service is the Future of Kubernetes
Kubernetes & Containers at Scale are Difficult Organizations are beginning to leverage containers for digital acceleration and to simplify their application development pipelines. As environments scale and grow, managing and…
CIOCloudSoftware Defined DatacenterStrategy
A Hitchhikers Guide to Building a Software Defined Datacenter (SDDC)
Software–defined data center (SDDC) is the next evolution of data center infrastructure. In the SDDC model, APIs govern access to and usage of infrastructure elements such as compute, network, storage. The…
Proud to feature a guest post by Industry Thought Leader – Sirish Raghuram. Sirish is co-founder and CEO of Platform9 ( At Amazon’s re: Invent 2018 conference, Amazon finally announced…
CIOCloudContainersKubernetesOpinionServerlessSoftware Defined DatacenterTransformation
Serverless Series -> What is Serverless Computing and What it Means for You – (1/5)
Serverless computing is closely tied to new architecture patterns and technologies such as Microservices and Containers. Greenfield, cloud-native applications are often microservices-based, which makes them ideal for running on containers…
CloudContainersDevOpsOpinionServerlessSoftware Defined Datacenter
Please join us for a day of Cloud Native Learning at “Cloud Native Days by Platform9” in Dallas,TX on Nov 29, 2018
This is an initiative I’m really excited about! We are kicking off the first in a series of worldwide Cloud Native Days. It is my pleasure to welcome my local…