Please join this webinar on May 20, 2020, at 10 AM PDT/1 PM EST. Learn how can identify and solve the five pain points of Private Clouds. Registration link ->…
Software Defined Datacenter
ArchitectureCI/CDCloudOpinionSoftware Defined DatacenterStrategy
Digital Success via Software Defined Infrastructure
                          Image Credit – Chutternsnap – UnSplash At Platform9 we engage daily with customers across industry verticals such as financial services, manufacturing, retail and technology. While no two customer environments are…
ArchitectureCloudKubernetesRetail IndustrySoftware Defined Datacenter
How Retail Industry Technology Leaders Should Architect Software-Driven Stores
Retail companies are facing unprecedented challenges in the era of cashier-less stores and Amazon prime deliveries. Brick-and-mortar stores are not going away but they are under tremendous pressure to improve…
ArchitectureCI/CDCloudContainersKubernetesOpinionServerlessSoftware Defined Datacenter
The Top 5 Serverless Posts on VamsiTalksTech in 2019
By reader demand, here are the top 5 most popular posts on serverless computing this year. # 1Â Fission on Kubernetes – A DevOps Lifecycle How Fission on Kubernetes Takes…
CIOCloudContainersKubernetesSoftware Defined Datacenter
INFOGRAPHIC: How K8s & Containerization Benefits Legacy Datacenters
This is my last post for 2019. Hoping everyone has a restful and happy Holiday Season. I am really looking forward to an exciting 2020 on the blog front around…
Bare MetalCloudContainersKubernetesOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
The Cloudification of Bare Metal
It is hard to believe that back in the day, every server was a bare-metal server. After all almost two decades of virtualization technology, bare metal servers are making a…
Capital MarketsCloudFinTechKubernetesOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
How Serverless and Functions As A Service (FaaS) Can Help Impact The Digital Customer Experience In Financial Services
Financial Services in 2020 – An Industry In Flux The banking industry’s younger customers are Digital Natives. Younger consumers are highly comfortable with technology and use mobile apps such as…
CloudContainersDevOpsOpinionSoftware Defined Datacenter
The Five Axioms of Software Defined Infrastructure
Forward-looking Enterprises already operate their IT in a hybrid/multi-cloud state of affairs, there is a need to manage multiple environments – some on-premises and some in the public cloud, with…
CloudKubernetesOpinionSoftware Defined DatacenterStrategy
Webinar: “Kubernetes Deployment and Operations: Calculating your True Costs”
Please join me in this webinar (click on the image below to register) –Â Kubernetes Deployment and Operations: Calculating your True Costs Knowing your TCO is critical in making the…