The second and previous blog in this six part series (@ discussed technical challenges with running large scale Digital Applications on traditional datacenter architectures. In this third blog, we will deep dive into…
“Our environment embraces a lot of change — we have to, because the internet is changing and the technologies we use are changing… for somebody who hated change, I imagine high tech…
Why Digital Platforms Need A Software Defined Datacenter..(2/7)
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgoThe first blog in this seven part series (@ introduced and discussed a reference architecture for Software Defined Data Centers (SDDC).The key runtime technology paradigm that enables Digital applications is the…
Why the PSD2 will Spark Digital Innovation in European Banking and Payments….
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgo“Banking may be on the cusp of an industrial revolution. This is being propelled by technology on the supply side and the financial crisis on the demand side. The upshot…
A Digital Reference Architecture for the Industrial Internet Of Things (IIoT)..
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgoA few weeks ago on the invitation of DZone Magazine, I jointly authored a Big Data Reference Architecture along with my friend & collaborator, Tim Spann ( Tim & I…
Data LakeDigitalOpinionTransformation
Why Data Silos Are Your Biggest Source of Technical Debt..
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgo“Any enterprise CEO really ought to be able to ask a question that involves connecting data across the organization, be able to run a company effectively, and especially to be…
AnalyticsDigitalOpinionRetail IndustryTransformation
Here Is What Is Causing The Great Brick-And-Mortar Retail Meltdown of 2017..(1/2)
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgo“Amazon and other pure plays are driving toward getting both predictive and prescriptive analytics. They’re analyzing and understanding information at an alarming rate. Brands have pulled products off of Amazon…
“Madam..What use is a new-born baby?”’ – Michael Faraday – (Apocryphal quote) when asked about the utility of electricity a new invention in the 1800s… Why Hadoop Is Thriving and…
AnalyticsBig DataCRMOpinion
Why Big Data Analytics is the Future of CRM..
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgoA question that I get a lot from customers is around how Big Data can help augment CRM systems. The answer isn’t just about the ability to aggregate loads of information…
Demystifying Digital – Reference Architecture for Single View of Customer / Customer 360..(3/3)
by vamsi_cz5cgoby vamsi_cz5cgoThe first post in this three part series on Digital Foundations @ introduced the concept of Customer 360 or Single View of Customer (SVC). This second post in the…