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Big Data
The industry is all about Digital now. The explosion in data storage and processing techniques promises to create new digital business opportunities across industries. Business Analytics concerns itself from deriving…
Big DataOpinionTransformation
How Big Data & Predictive Analytics transform AML Compliance in Banking & Payments..(2/2)
The first blog in this two part series (Deter Financial Crime by Creating an effective AML Program) described how Money Laundering (ML) activities employed by nefarious actors (e.g drug cartels,…
ArchitectureBig DataCIOCloudDigitalStrategyTransformation
The Three Core Competencies of Digital – Cloud, Big Data & Intelligent Middleware
“Ultimately, the cloud is the latest example of Schumpeterian creative destruction: creating wealth for those who exploit it; and leading to the demise of those that don’t.” – Joe Weiman author…
Big DataDigitalPaymentsTransformation
Five Areas Where Big Data Drives Innovation in the Bill Pay Industry..
As the Bill Pay Industry Motors On… The traditional model of service providers relying on call centers and face-to-face interactions with their customers to gauge their satisfaction are long past.…
Previous posts in this blog have discussed how Capital markets firms must create new business models and offer superior client relationships based on their vast data assets. Firms that can infuse…
Wealth Management is the highest growth businesses for any medium to large financial institution. It also is the highest customer touch segment of banking and is fostered on long term (read extremely lucrative advisory) relationships. This three part series…
“The data fabric is the next middleware.” –Todd Papaioannou, CTO at Splunk Enterprises across the globe are confronting the need to create a Digital Strategy. While the term itself may…
“The world is one big data problem.” – Andrew McAfee, associate director of the Center for Digital Business at MIT Sloan Though Data as a topic has been close to…