#1 Design and Architecture of a Real World Trading Platform Design and Architecture of a Real World Trading Platform.. (2/3) #2 5G NSA (Non Standalone Option) – Design and Architecture…
Vamsi Chemitiganti
Featured Image by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay
Software Defined Vehicles
Vertical Industry Insights: Automotive “Reinventing Automotive Engineering for Software-Defined Vehicles (SDV)”
The SDV enables the car to operate like a computer with the quick deployment of new features, seamless ongoing enhancements to the user experience, and easier servicing, and maintenance leading to less recalls and the development of new revenue sources.
Please join my team & I for a two day “Containers in Telco” workshop at AWS London on Dec 13 & 14, 2022
This event cultivates a peer community to discuss best practices, challenges, and trends in Container native architectures for enterprise Telco and 5G transformations.
The telecom industry’s networks have evolved since the initial promise of 5G attracted the attention of corporate leaders, policymakers, and the media. But how much of that promise is likely to be fulfilled in the near future
Featured image by Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cloudy-sky-531756/
5G necessitates greater levels of adaptability in telecom network architecture, scaling, and implementation. This is especially true for Radio Access Network (RAN) deployments, where cloud technology provides new, innovative options that supplant tried-and-proven, purpose-built solutions.
5G deployments are only just underway across global telco network operators. As an AWS employee leading the Containers practice for global telcos, it is personally gratifying to note that analysts report an increasing number of signals which indicate that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is building an early lead over rivals Google Cloud and Microsoft in capturing market share.
Glad to highlight another win that my team has been working on over the past year. Parallel Wireless has selected AWS EKS Anywhere as Kubernetes management platform for its cloud-native Open RAN solution
Edge computing is all about implementing compute, storage & networking to enable processing closer to data-generating connected devices. There are a few definitions that emerged with the adopters of edge in different architectures.