Home 5G Nokia POV – “Why Network Core as a SaaS Should Unlock the Full Potential of 5G”

Nokia POV – “Why Network Core as a SaaS Should Unlock the Full Potential of 5G”

by Vamsi Chemitiganti

The advent of 5G technology has ushered in a new era of connectivity, promising to revolutionize industries, transform user experiences, and pave the way for a more interconnected world. However, to truly unlock the full potential of 5G, the underlying network architecture must evolve to meet the growing demands and complexities of this next-generation technology. Enter Network Core as a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) – a game-changing approach that is poised to unlock unprecedented opportunities for telecommunications providers and their customers. In this blog post, we will explore why Network Core as a SaaS is the key to unleashing the full potential of 5G. The full article can be found here https://telecomreseller.com/2024/07/31/why-telcos-need-core-network-as-a-saas-offering-now/

Cloud computing is now widespread in the telecommunications industry, with hyperscaler expansion boosting public and private edge computing. This shift demands cloud-native, intent-based microservices for rapid software deployment, automated management, and simplified operations. Despite these advancements, managing these complex technologies remains a challenge, prompting reliance on “as a service” (aaS) solutions from software vendors. As a result, the need for software as a service (SaaS) – and specifically, Telecom SaaS – is growing in the telecommunications industry.

The Limitations of Traditional Network Core Architectures

Traditionally, the network core has been a highly complex and rigid infrastructure, requiring significant capital investments, lengthy deployment timelines, and ongoing maintenance and upgrades. This legacy approach has often hindered the ability of telecom providers to keep pace with the rapid advancements in technology and the ever-changing demands of their customers.

The siloed, on-premises nature of traditional network core architectures has several inherent drawbacks:

  1. Scalability challenges: Scaling the network core to meet the exponential growth in data traffic and connected devices associated with 5G has proven to be a significant hurdle for many telecom providers.
  2. Operational inefficiencies: The manual processes and proprietary hardware required to manage and maintain the network core often result in operational complexities and high overhead costs.
  3. Inflexibility: The static nature of traditional network core architectures makes it arduous to adapt to new use cases, deploy innovative services, or respond to market changes in a timely manner.
  4. Delayed innovation: The lengthy deployment cycles and resource-intensive nature of network core upgrades have hindered the ability of telecom providers to quickly bring new 5G-enabled services and applications to market.

Enter Network Core as a SaaS

Network Core as a SaaS offers a transformative solution that addresses the limitations of traditional network core architectures, empowering telecom providers to unlock the full potential of 5G.

  1. Scalability and elasticity: By transitioning the network core to a cloud-based, software-defined model, telecom providers can benefit from the inherent scalability and elasticity of the cloud, enabling them to quickly and cost-effectively scale their infrastructure to meet the growing demands of 5G.
  2. Operational efficiency: Network Core as a SaaS leverages the operational expertise and automation capabilities of cloud service providers, reducing the burden of manual network management and maintenance for telecom providers.
  3. Agility and flexibility: The software-defined nature of Network Core as a SaaS allows telecom providers to quickly deploy new services, experiment with innovative use cases, and adapt to market changes with unprecedented agility.
  4. Accelerated innovation: By offloading the complexities of the network core to a cloud-based service, telecom providers can focus their resources on developing and delivering cutting-edge 5G-enabled applications and services, driving innovation and creating new revenue streams.
  5. Cost optimization: The pay-as-you-go pricing model and shared infrastructure of Network Core as a SaaS can help telecom providers optimize their capital expenditures and operational costs, enabling them to redirect resources towards strategic initiatives.


The transition to Network Core as a SaaS is a critical step in unlocking the full potential of 5G. By embracing this cloud-based, software-defined approach, telecom providers can overcome the limitations of traditional network core architectures, drive operational efficiencies, and accelerate innovation. As the 5G revolution continues to unfold, Network Core as a SaaS will empower telecom providers to deliver transformative experiences, unlock new revenue streams, and stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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